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Foody Syrup 200ml

(Including VAT)

Indication  Gastrointestinal discomfort  Gas and bloating  Digestive disorder


Each 5ml contains
Fungal Diastase (1:1200)                       I.P.              50mg
(Fungal Diastase derived from Aspergillus-Oryzae,
Digests not less than 60gm of cooked starch)
Pepsin (1:3000)                                      I.P.              10mg
(Digests not less than 30gm of coagulated egg

How it Works?

Foody is a digestive syrup that helps promote the conversion of starch and complex carbohydrates into simple sugars for easy digestion. It helps to provide relief from digestive disorders; Pepsin is an enzyme that helps to break down protein. It can provide relief from gas and flatulence It helps to relieve heartburn and acidity It helps to ease intestinal pain and discomfort Helps to enhance digestive function and improves nutrient absorption