Together we can...

Together we will...

About US

Promoted by a pharmaceutical industry veteran over a decade ago; we at Audex Pharmaceuticals endeavor to serve our customers with superior quality medicines at an affordable price. 

Quality, consistency and affordability remain the core essence of everything that we do at Audex. 

Starting with quality of raw materials, then to quality of excipients and to quality of packaging-this ultimately boils down to a product with great quality and efficacy. 

A pharmaceutical entity which is predominantly for the masses, affordability remains the other core aspect that is imbibed in each of our products.

An unmatched track record of over 15 years makes Audex Pharmaceuticals a leader in the segments it is present with its quality, efficacy and affordability of products.

Launched with just one product way back in 2009, Audex Pharmaceuticals now has close to 50 products under 3 Divisions of it- Audex Pharma, DiaCor and OTC division.

About Us

We dream to fulfil the expectations and requirements of our customers, employees, suppliers and all stake holders by adhering to highest standards, values and ethics in everything we do.


We believe in our ability to strive harder for excellence and stake holder satisfaction.


We try therefore we win. This remains our philosophy. We try and try and even try harder to stick to the basics and adherence to our core values and beliefs.


We hope to become a national player with presence in all segments upholding our core values and beliefs and best standards and work practices in our every function.