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Dexocal-XT Tablet

(Including VAT)



Calcium Citrate Maleate:          1250mg
(Eq. to Elemental Calcium):      500mg
Vitamin D3:                               2000 I.U.
Cyanocobalamin:                      1500mcg
L-Methylfolate Calcium:            1mg
Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate:             20mg

How it Works?

Calcium Citrate Maleate:Calcium supplementation in pregnancy has the potential to reduce adverse gestational outcomes, in particular by decreasing the risk of developing hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, which are associated with a significant number of maternal deaths and considerable risk of preterm birth, the leading cause of early neonatal and infant mortality. Vitamin D3:through its effect on immune function and surveillance – plays a role beyond calcium and bone metabolism on the health status of both the mother and her foetus. Following birth, this process persists; the lactating mother continues to be the main source of vitamin D for her infant. Thus, during both pregnancy and lactation, maternal deficiency predicts fetal and infant deficiency; L Methylfolate Calcium: Because women with low folate levels are at increased risk of having a child with a Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) and other types of malformations, the U. S. Public Health Service and CDC recommend that all women of childbearing age consume 0.4 mg (400 mcg) of folic acid daily; Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate:Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) is the cofactor involved in the stabilization of carbanions at Cα of amino acids and plays a key role in amino acid metabolism. In each case, PLP is covalently bound to its cognate enzyme by an imine with the amino group of lysine.